Monday, August 10, 2009

Third Time's the Charm

And, Three Moons is the third time -- or the third design I submitted to Lark's upcoming 30-Minute Necklaces on the third of this month.

Of course, even though I've had designs swimming through my head since I discovered the call for artist entries some weeks ago, I was (literally) hammering away at the first two ideas the very day they were due. Ferociously. Hammering.

Numbers one and two came to fruition, but they were lacking. I couldn't put my finger on what may be missing, and I hadn't given myself the luxury of time to "moodle" out the answers. They had to go in. (Now, after a few days "clearance," I like them a lot when I see them layered one atop the other -- a clue.)

Then, I ate. I chatted with my husband. I hit "reset" on my (left) brain and returned to the studio. Thirty minutes later, I photographed this new piece that flowed out of my head, down through my arm and out my hammer-holding fist. It was "the charm." Simple. Elegant. Fun. Me.

My bet's on this piece being the one of the three to be accepted (notice how I'm using positive thinking? . . . I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!). I'll report on my status (or should I say my necklaces' status) in my next blog.

Which will it be? Number 1, Number 2 or Number 3?