The idea of my art metals class taking a field trip to my basement studio came up during critique the other day (I'm taking advantage of the illustrious Sr. Rosemarita Heubner's last semester teaching [Mount Mary College, Milwaukee] before retirement). I not-so-jokingly confirmed "let's do it, but give me some time to dig a wider path!"
That said, I thought I'd offer my blog readers a similar field trip (one you don't have to trip through). Here's a peak at a project I've been working at my jewelry bench. It's 'a moment in time' from 'A Day in the Life.'
This little ditty continues a series I've started titled with letters of the alphabet (you may have seen V-Voracious and N-Newfangled in my book, Vintage Redux). This new one is a memory piece called C-Carly -- a memento to my husband's Brittany Spaniel who passed away when the boys were crawling and beginning to walk.
This project was spawned by finding a bric-a-brac spaniel head at a local antique store. I played with pairing it to other found objects and discovered that it fit in this UFO (unidentified found object) really well. However, it did need some sort of border to set it off from the grayness of the metal form. I liked the idea of using a zipper with only the teeth showing (ha! that phrase is quite dog-ly itself) and remembered the words of Michael deMeng in a workshop I took with him last fall -- anytime you repeat a pattern around an object, it sets it off and draws the viewer in.
Voila! Resin set the zipper, the dog, and the what's-it's-thing together. (To be honest, I didn't realize the zipper formed a C shape at first -- it was just too short to go all the way around. But, sometimes things just come together and this particular twist of fate cinched the name and it's place in the alphabet series!)
Next (because I wanted to moodle just how to tackle adding an iron wire bezel around this odd-shaped object), I decided on this old (watch?) chain for the necklace and cleaned it up with my wire brush. (I love my wire brush -- thank you Keith LoBue for introducing me to this fabulous tool).
Next time, I'll show you the results of taking iron wire to its limit (or "What Happens to a Bezel When You Putz with it Too Long") and (hopefully) C-Carly in finished form!