Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Cockles of My Heart

Cockles -- what a funny word. Now, if I were my friend, Luci, I'd be Googling the origin of cockles right here and now. But I'm not, and so I will just enjoy the funniness of the word and repeat it to myself, "Cockles, cockles, cockles . . . ." Hee!

I'm thinking (and repeating) the word cockles to myself 'cause I am indeed warmed (you know, "it warms the cockles of my heart"?) by a few of the comments I've already received about my new book, Vintage Redux:

Erin says she has a collection of pins from her Grandmother that she would never wear as pins (sorry Erin's Grandma!), but would love to turn into pretty bracelets like those in Mod Squad (page 29).

Pat wants to dig up a little box of ruby rings her parents gave her for several of her childhood Christmases to make a ring bracelet (Ring-let, page 22) all her own. She says she loved the idea from first sight!

And Marianne, my friend who is the star of Pass It On (page 78) along with her Grandmother Margaretha, can't wait for her mother (Margaretha's daughter) to receive the surprise copy she's mailing (I'm betting she won't see this unless she searches blogs for ideas on reinventing vintage jewelry). Marianne can't wait for her mom to see of bit of their heritage in print!

Of course, Marilyn (who owns Good Grounds Coffee Shop in town and carries my book), is fast becoming my largest distributor. I love her dearly for talkin' me up the way she does (and Carla too for introducing me and my books to her)!

What an awesome world, huh? -- where doing what you love brings you good friends, special relationships and coffee! Speaking of warming ... I think I've got my tummy and my cockles covered!