Come one, come all! Enter your terrific designs for possible inclusion* in the gallery section of my upcoming book, Vintage Redeux (that's the working title)! The book shows beginning and intermediate beaders and jewelry designers how to take vintage jewelry apart and 'redeux' it into the trendy styles we see on catwalks today! Submit as many pieces as you would like, but keep to the following tenets:
- The book has three sections: Vintage Redeux-A New Order (take vintage jewelry pieces apart and put them back together in a faboo, new style); Unexpected Redeux-Vintage Collectibles Become Jewelry (work vintage found objects into a wonderful piece); and Heirloom Redeux-Sentimental Pieces Kept Close (update old pieces that meant alot to their original owner or mean alot to their current owner by making them into something that will no longer be tucked away). The book's gallery will reflect the tone of the book, so keep to one of these design conditions as your first order of business.
- The term vintage, as this author defines it, means any jewelry piece or component from the Victorian era up through the 80s (don't worry -- that makes me really old too!).
- You may use new or vintage components to complement your designs, however, the piece should not be made up of all vintage beads and/or components that you have purchased. Remember, the book is about reinvention.
- The work must be your own.
- Please email me for clarification:
- *Submissions will be juried by a panel of editors and myself.
- Pieces are due to me by November 1, 2007. Go, go, go!