June 12th 10:57pm: My first blog entry. As with everything in my life, the beginning is heart-wrenchingly s-l-o-wwwwwwwwwwwwwww! The web site has been forever in getting up and the fault is my own, but I wanted to do it up right!
So, through this little no-spin format, you’ll learn a few things about me, the real me. For example, if you happen to follow the Fashion Forecast column in BeadStyle (co-author Sandra Keiser), the jig is up. My grammar, syntax, and yes, punctuation have a lot of help before they get to you. I tend toward the flowery, the verbose and, many say, the run-on. I think the more I write, the more I am humbled by: a) how I just don’t want to absorb some of the rules and, b) rules are, well, made to be broken. I’ll stick to what I’m good at – good old ‘just me’ communication between us.
There ARE a few things (honestly, I’m not making this up) that I can’t share about new directions with the company. Two things in specific are in the works for 2007. I am so proud of the potential to share both that I am sure I am driving all my friends and family crazy with their details and updates. More later.
BUT, what I really want to say is that both are a result of simply ‘showing up’ at my design table and following through with each (well, most) opportunity that comes along. Successes really do build-on and it has been a blast taking each step, following each new opportunity. Now, that doesn’t always mean that I am super efficient (another soul-bearing moment – goodness I am so NOT that) or always the most big-picture gal. It does mean that even when I don’t know how I’m gonna’ get through a project (or a day or hour sometimes), I put my foot out in faith. I’ve gained a lot of confidence by problem solving my way through conundrums and admitting my errors when they come about!
I’m looking forward to sharing ‘me’ for those who are interested. I’m sure I’ll be full of news about designing, trend, sources and the all the underpinnings that make my life a lot like your life. We’ll bound along together (and sometimes we’ll carry or drag each other)!
P.S. Special thank you to my husband who spent many long nights getting my new web site up and running.